The Dialectical

What happened to witty flirting?
That means flirting through clever dialogue, no chitter-chatter. I’ve been witness to the following, goofy efforts: Offensive chat-up lines: “I thought I saw you staring at me, let me introduce myself…” Silly compliments: “Those three tiny moles on your shoulder look like the Bermuda Triangle and I’m ready to vanish into it.” Childish accidents: “Sorry,…
Practical GDPR tips for bloggers
With the abundance of how-to and blogging tips sites you’d expect to easily find some practical info about GDPR for bloggers and small site owners. But it seems some of these sites offer limited practical tips when it comes to applicable solutions. After having friends asking for advice, I’ve decided to write this article and…
The new Gmail is a time-saver!
Essential redesign Ok, apart from the much-needed makeover the new Gmail is absolutely awesome. A lot has been said about the snooze feature which is certainly very handy: if you think an email can wait, you just snooze it for a later date (think of it as a reminder). The other important feature is the…
The importance of not waiting for others
It is important not to wait for others, at least not always. Sometimes it is important to just do things on your own. This can be anything from having fun, travelling or taking a spiritual journey. Let’s say you want to stream a new series or movie online. You have flatmates or friends who’ve said…
Milanote – Ideal Notes for Creative Work
I have been using Milanote since its beta stage before 2017 and I’ve found myself using it even more since it became widely available. The Next Web wrote that “Milanote is the Evernote for creatives.” In order to visualise Milanote’s interface, imagine a big, blank canvas where you pin your ideas, images, quotes, drawings, checklists —…
Using Scrivener to track your characters and locations in every scene
The other day I received an email from a friend, who is also an author, asking me whether it is possible to track down the character appearances in every scene when using Scrivener. I thought I’d create a mini tutorial to share this with you. There is some software out there that lets you assign…
Grammar Checker Apps: Grammarly vs ProWritingAid vs Google Docs vs Microsoft Editor
Grammarly vs ProWritingAid vs Google Docs vs Microsoft Editor So, Grammarly vs Prowritingaid vs Google Docs vs the new Microsoft Editor. This isn’t going to be your usual post about the availability of grammar checkers and the features each one of them offers. What I am going to do is test four of the main…
She must have been in her 40s, tall, slender figure, athletic even, her hair long and black. A Spaniard perhaps.
Getting rid of negative thoughts
The other day I was walking along the coastline, listening to Mozart (the quite happy and carefree 9th piano concerto to be precise), when some forgotten thoughts started coming back to me. Not the welcoming nice thoughts, but negative incidents where something bad had happened. Accidents. Arguments. Career failures. All sorts of things. It was…
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