Category: Social Media

  • All eyes on me: Holiday divas on social media

    All eyes on me: Holiday divas on social media

    “Look at me, I can afford luxury!” Or that’s the widespread attitude on social media, especially during the summer holidays. Because summer is the holiday season, right? But who doesn’t take summer holidays? Well, there are of course those whose work nature doesn’t allow them to (usually people working in the hospitality industries). Or people…

  • The Social Media Network with the long name (Dialectics, no. 5)

    The Social Media Network with the long name (Dialectics, no. 5)

    This time, in our hypothetical situation, it’s Tom and Emma, longtime friends in their late-30s, who have met up for their lunch break on a weekday. The café is bustling with people on this cold winter day, people who rush into its warm cosiness for a hot drink, wearing their colourful scarves and heavy jackets. Emma,…

  • About fun, social media photos (Dialectics, no. 1)

    About fun, social media photos (Dialectics, no. 1)

    A cafe in a metropolitan European capital. It’s the end of July and two co-workers from a multinational corporation are having their lunch break. The sky is grey and it’s been raining for a while now. Co-worker B is taking his summer vacation the following week. Co-worker A hasn’t planned any summer holidays but usually…