Category: Lifestyle

  • All eyes on me: Holiday divas on social media

    All eyes on me: Holiday divas on social media

    “Look at me, I can afford luxury!” Or that’s the widespread attitude on social media, especially during the summer holidays. Because summer is the holiday season, right? But who doesn’t take summer holidays? Well, there are of course those whose work nature doesn’t allow them to (usually people working in the hospitality industries). Or people…

  • What happened to witty flirting?

    What happened to witty flirting?

    That means flirting through clever dialogue, no chitter-chatter. I’ve been witness to the following, goofy efforts: Offensive chat-up lines: “I thought I saw you staring at me, let me introduce myself…” Silly compliments: “Those three tiny moles on your shoulder look like the Bermuda Triangle and I’m ready to vanish into it.” Childish accidents: “Sorry,…